Do you need help maintaining your website?
Now that you’ve invested the time and money into creating a website for your business, it’s important to maintain it. Whether you don’t have the time to do it yourself or you don’t know how, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s how we can help:
We’ll update your existing content or add new content to your site:
Need to update text or images on an existing page or need to add a new page all together? We’d be happy to do it for you. In fact, updating your content will help your website’s SEO. Google wants to show the “freshest” search results for each specific search query. If you regularly update the content of your website (e.g. text, images. articles, etc.) your website has a higher chance of being displayed in the top Google results.
We’ll set up daily backups for your site:
It’s always better to be safe than sorry. If your website’s files and database are not being backed up regularly, we would be happy to set that up for you! We automatically setup daily backups stored off the website server. That way, if something were to happen to your site, all we’d have to do is take the latest backup and click “restore”. It’s that easy!
We’ll upgrade your WordPress site:
Keeping your website up-to-date with the latest version of WordPress is essential to a healthy website. Upgrades fix bugs and security patches, as well as give you new features to edit and maintain your site. We’ll upgrade your site to the latest version of WordPress, update all of your plugins that need updating, and even update your theme.
Learn more about our Monthly Maintenance Plan to help keep your website healthy and up-to-date, all at a reasonably low cost.
We’ll help make your website more secure:
We’ll add some extra barriers to your WordPress site to help protect your website from hackers, especially those pesky little spam bots.
We’ll even teach you how to edit and maintain your own site:
Would you like to learn how to edit and maintain your own WordPress website? We’d be happy to teach you how through a screen-sharing session using Zoom. It’s easy and fun to learn!
Here’s how we work:
For all web maintenance work we charge our hourly rate of $120/hr plus any costs for materials (e.g. themes, plugins, etc.). If you’d like, we would be happy to give you an estimate before getting started. For more details, please see our rates, policies and satisfaction guarantee.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or There’s No Charge
We take pride in our satisfied clients. If for any reason you are not happy with our work, please let us know within 7 days of when the service was performed. We will either fix the problem to your satisfaction or refund any fees that you have paid for that service.
For more details, please see our rates, policies and satisfaction guarantee.